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2003-07-03 - 9:24 a.m.

well, you will all be happy to know that i got an email yesterday from my friend! Well, I'm happy at least. She said she has been busy and feeling a bit down so she didn't call yet. but she will soon. Phew! that sure took a load off of my mind.

last night we went over to our friend R's house. He just moved in and it is so nice. i am truly jealous. does it need work - yes, is it worth it? - yes! it is an older house in south florida and boy, it has some character. the poople before took pretty good care of it from what i can see. it is clean - mostly, the kitchen is nice, the appliances are pretty new and the tile on the counter is beautiful. i wish i had it. it's too hard to describe, but blue gray green speckled ceramic tile. there is beautiful wood everywhere and a lovely fireplace. One day, i want a house like it. an older house with some real history. not some cookie cutter piece of shit where everything breaks a year after moving in, cause they put the house up in 2 weeks and never let the foundation settle so you have a large crack running up the wall....i digress.

so anyway, all i wanted to say is, get me out of the fucking condo and into a house and i think i would be ecstatically happy for 2-3 years on that alone. i want a special "nook" in my bedroom to hang out in. whatever, i will wait and it will be the best thing that ever happens when we finally get our dream house!

Happy July 4th to everyone! I hope you all have a nice 3 day weekend! I know i will. we are going back to r's house for a nice party on friday. i think we are going early so we can help set up.

i know, i'm being boring. have a good one!

Blessed be~

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