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2003-12-04 - 1:54 p.m.

alright, i got a few minutes so i'll make a short update.

the office drama has subsided and today has been a pure bore. my throat is scratchy too and it's really annoying.

today H got to leave work early because of a pretty sweet deal she made with her dad, i mean boss, and is on her way to pick up our new toy. TIVO! i can't fucking wait. pause live tv, ff through commercials. sweet. not to mention the fact that we won't have to be a slave to the prime time networks and can actually accomplish things after 8 now. yipee!

well, that is really about all i can handle for right now. my lunch time is over (stupid half hour) and the phone won't stop ringing.

oh yeah, Gump - I forgot to tell you in the note i left ya, I am a receptionist/office assistant/administrative assistant. it's not hard work, but annoying. especially when everyone needs me at once. sometimes i wish i had a few extra arms to get everything done at once. my passion however is sculpting. I went to school for industrial design, which is designing furninture, products, displays, cars etc. i didn't want to go into that line of work though, so here i sit. bored. i guess i could look for something else, but in this economy and with everyone being out of work, it seems like too much right now.

Blessed Be

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