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2003-10-10 - 1:49 p.m.

I am such a fuck up. why do i keep doing this? Why don't i learn? Why do i continue to hurt the one I love? Why can't i be more understanding? why can't i learn to listen and be compassionate? Why do i continually push buttons and get upset at something that has nothing to do with me? Why do I get annoyed at everyone when they show an emotion other than happiness? I am so sick of myself. I guess I'm just a bitch with no real sympathy for anyone.

i just feel like i want to, or rather, that everyone else wants me to go away. Like i should just give up and say fuck it. they are sick of my ass being stupid anyway.

i used to listen okay and not feel like i have to say "stop talking about it already". or i know i know i know a million times.

i hate myself. i really do.

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