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2003-05-12 - 1:44 p.m.

why are rich people such assholes? what makes them think they are so much better than everyone else? well i say, fuck them and all that. i'm so sick of it. i work in one of the most affluent towns in the country and boy, i wish i never took the job. people are just assholes. completely and utterly. i wish i could teach them all a lesson and just take their money out of their banks for a day. i wouldn't steal it, just make them think they are broke for a little while. well, what do you think would happen? they would come crying to us all begging for money, and ya know what i would laugh my ass off right in their shitty little faces, then i would key their fucking pretensious cars and set them a flame. after all this, i would just sit back and watch them scramble. Why do 2 people need a home with 12 bedrooms? Why spend 80 gs on a stupid 2 door car that you can't even fit your luggage in? i'm so sick of everyone being so fucking self absorbed and not giving a shit about other people. how can you just pass a person lying on the street in pain? how can you ignore that around the world people aren't making enough money to feed their kids? where did you all buy these media driven blinders? i want to be ignorant and stupid. i wish i could just hide in some hole in the ground with out any tv, newspapers, or internet media telling me how to feel and who to be. how can you just ignore all of the hate crimes happening today? all of the random killings and bombings? how can everyone in the year 2003 be so fucking stupid?????

I hate the world today. Did you notice?

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