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2004-08-30 - 3:09 p.m.

Well just a quick note right now since i'm sorta busy at work. which is good, but still, it's busy ya know?

anyway, we had us a nice ole weekend. friday nice romantic ish dinner (it would have been more so had H not spoken with the waiters so much, but we got us some good drinks). saturday we had a nice party at our house. the thing i didn't know was how long it takes to play RISK. man, no one left til 1 am. sunday was family dinner day since it was our cousin's birthday. that sucked cause h's evil grandma was there, but all in all, it wasn't the worst time we've had ya know?

other than that, we didn't do much of anything. a bit of cleaning, a bit of shopping. a bit of fucking. you know, the usual weekend shit. blah blah blah.

the thing i didn't do was turn on the tv to see the protests, and i wanted to. maybe i'll see some today. this lady who i work with has a daughter that is up there protesting and i am so jealous.

at least we go to Key West in 2 weeks and it's some Womens Festival. sounds good. hopefully will be fun. we'll see.

okay, worky time i think. it's 3:30 though, that's good news.

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