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2004-03-25 - 3:53 p.m.

I just read the following article put out by the AP. read it and then my comments below:



Teens Convicted in Slaying of Grandmother


DETROIT (AP) - Two teenagers who authorities say beat the grandmother of one of them to death with a claw hammer because she opposed their lesbian relationship were convicted Thursday of murder.

Separate juries found Larqueta Collier, 16, and Sharon Patterson, 17, guilty in the slaying last September of Bertha Atkins. Collier also was convicted of arson for setting fire to her 64-year-old grandmother's house.

The teens were tried as adults and face a mandatory life in prison with no chance of parole when they are sentenced April 13.

The grandmother lived with her daughter and her granddaughter. The teenagers hatched the murder plot after Collier's mother told the grandmother to keep Patterson out of the house, investigators said.

After the crime, the two teenagers went to see a movie, then surrendered to police."

okay, i have two comments about this. As you all may or may not know I am a lesbian. This crime bothers the crap out of me for a few reasons. One being that if the US would say that Gay Marriage is legal this may have never happened. When the government tells you something is wrong then shit like this happens ya know?

comment two (for the girls) - You stupid muther fuckers! Why on Earth did you have to do this now? Now everyone is gonna be scared of Lesbians. Violence is never the answer. Half the country is already against gay marriage and this really doesn't help at all. You could have run away or moved out in just a little while. Patience is the key. and maybe not coming out to your grandparents until after you move out!

sorry, just had to comment ya know?

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